About the Publisher/Editor
Dr Martin Whitely is the publisher and editor of PsychWatch Australia. Martin is a researcher, author, former mental health patient's rights advocate (2014-18), teacher (1995-2000) and Member of the Western Australian (WA) State Parliament (2001-2013). Martin can be contacted by email on psychwatchaustralia@gmail.com and welcomes contributions, feedback or other inquiries from patients, doctors, researchers, the media, or the public.

While in politics Martin drove prescribing accountability measures that led to a 50% fall in WA ADHD child prescribing rates and a similar fall in teenage amphetamine abuse rates. He also exposed ‘regulatory capture’, primarily by the pharmaceutical industry, of treatment guidelines, research, and prescription drug licensing and safety monitoring processes. In addition he highlighted concerns about ‘diagnostic creep’ - the loosening of the diagnostic criteria of psychiatric disorders - potentially leading to inappropriate labeling and harmful over-medication.
After leaving politics Martin worked as a mental health consumer advocate, supporting ‘patients’ during psychiatric consultations. Martin was struck by the enormous variation in the quality of psychiatric practice: “Some psychiatrists were wonderful. They treated the consumer as an equal partner. However, others had absolutely no empathy. Worse still, some were bullies.”
Martin’s first publication as an author/researcher was his book Speed Up and Sit Still – the controversies of ADHD diagnosis and treatment published in 2010 (UWA Publishing). His latest book Overmedicating Madness - what's driving Australia's mental illness epidemic was published in 2021. Martin completed his PhD (Public Policy) thesis titled Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Policy, Practice and Regulatory Capture in Australia 1992–2012, through John Curtin Institute of Public Policy (JCIPP) at Curtin University in 2014.
Martin is an Adjunct Research Fellow at the JCIPP at Curtin University and has led award winning research demonstrating that the youngest children in a classroom both in Western Australia and globally are much more likely than their older classmates to be 'medicated' for ADHD.
Martin has no connection with any business, religion or any other relevant conflict of interest. Dr Whitely has no medical training and Psychwatch Australia does not offer treatment advice.
Martin’s publications include:
Books and Book Chapters
Whitely M, Overmedicating Madness - what's driving Australia's mental illness epidemic. Wilkinson Publishing 2021. To purchase click Here.
Whitely M, Speed Up and Sit Still, the controversies of ADHD diagnosis and treatment. UWA Publishing 2010. For a free copy click Here.
Whitely M, Chapter 9 - ADHD: How a Lie 'Medicated' Often Enough Became the Truth in Ewen Speed, Joanna Moncrieff and Mark Rapley, eds., De-Medicalizing Misery II: Society, Politics and the Mental Health Industry, Palgrave Macmillan 2014.
Journal Articles
Batstra L, Whitely M and Timimi S, Editorial: ADHD: Science and Society, Frontiers in Psychiatry, Vol 13 2023.
Whitely M. Raven M. Jureidini J, Antidepressant Prescribing and Suicide/Self-Harm by Young Australians: Regulatory Warnings, Contradictory Advice, and Long-Term Trends. Frontiers in Psychiatry. Vol.11 2020 p.478
Whitely, M. and Allsop, S, Look west for Australian evidence of the relationship between amphetamine‐type stimulant prescribing and meth/amphetamine use. Drug Alcohol Rev. 2020, 39: 519-524. doi:10.1111/dar.13067
Whitely, M., Phillimore, J. & Moorin, R. The effect of a child’s relative age on numeracy and literacy test results: an analysis of NAPLAN in Western Australian government schools in 2017. Aust. Educ. Res. (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13384-020-00399-4
Whitely M, Raven M, Timimi S, Jureidini J, Phillimore J, Leo J, Moncrieff J, Landman P, Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder late birthdate effect common in both high and low prescribing international jurisdictions: systematic review, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, October 2018.
Whitely M, Lester L, Phillimore J, Robinson S, Influence of birth month of Western Australian children on the probability of being treated for ADHD, Medical Journal of Australia, 2017.
Morgan DJR, Harris T, Gidgup R, Whitely M, Identifying the cultural heritage of patients during clinical handover and in hospital medical records. Medical Journal of Australia || doi: 10.5694/mja2.12107. Published online: 11 March 2019
Stomski N, Morrison P, Whitely M, Brennan P, Advocacy processes in mental health: a qualitative study, Qualitative Research in Psychology, 2017.
Stomski N, Morrison P, Whitely M, Brennan P, Mental Health Consumers’ Motives for Seeking Advocacy Support: A Qualitative Exploration, Community Mental Health Journal, 2017.
Morrison P, Stomski NJ, Whitely M, Brennan P, Understanding advocacy practice in mental health: a multidimensional scalogram analysis of case records, Journal of Mental Health, 2017.
Whitely M, Attention deficit hyperactive disorder diagnosis continues to fail the reliability and validity tests, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 2015.
Whitely M, ADHD debate clouded by preconceptions and hidden conflicts of interest, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 2013.
Whitely M, The rise and fall of child ADHD prescribing in Western Australia; lessons and implication, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 2012.
Whitely M and Raven M, The risk that DSM-5 will result in a misallocation of scarce resources, Current Psychiatry Reviews, Bentham Science, 2012.
Whitely M, Will the backlash against DSM5 be the downward tipping point for international ADHD prescribing rates? Journal of Critical Psychology, Counselling and Psychotherapy. 2012